Restore local .sql dump to Hatchbox
Restore .sql dump to Hatchbox
Add your SSH public key in the Hatchbox web GUI if you have not.
HWGUI: Hatchbox web GUI
~/.ssh/config example
Host *
AddKeysToAgent yes
IdentityFile ~/.ssh/id_ed25519
Start SSH proxy
Find SSH host in HWGUI on your database, in this example Username should be deploy. Run the following command to start proxy local port 15432 to remote 5432 (postgres database):
ssh -L 15432:localhost:5432 deploy@
Clear existing database
Find Private Connection URI in HWGUI on your database. Like this:
Use the connection string details to modify the following commands and run them:
# Drop database
psql postgresql://username:password@localhost:<username>:<password>@localhost:15432/postgres -c 'DROP DATABASE <db-namedatabase>'
# Create database
psql postgresql://username:password@localhost:<username>:<password>@localhost:15432/postgres -c 'CREATE DATABASE <db-namedatabase>'
You are now ready to restore from dump:
psql <connection-string-from-above> -f dump.sql
Close SSH proxy
deploy@ip-10-0-1-71: exit